February 2021 Online Cover
February, 2021 cover.
February, 2021 cover.
Welcome to the February, 2021 edition of LargeCarMag Online!
The truck you see here, is Kaleb’s personal truck, though he is currently working on putting together a new one now. This Charcaol Grey with Viper Red stripes truck is a 2017 Peterbilt 389 glider, with a 295” wheelbase. It is powered by a C15 Cat engine, an 18 speed transmission, and 2 speed rears.
5th Annual Chicken Lights and Chrome Truck Show
Father, John A., has been trucking since he was 18. In 2017, son John M. quit hauling chicken manure, and began working alongside his father in North Grosvenordale, CT. Typically, they both pull dump trailers hauling soil and fertilizer, throughout New England, but like everyone else, 2020 has brought challenges for them, so they’re seen here pulling different trailers.
Clinton Schutjer owns this awesome ag hauler. Clintons truck is a 2006 Peterbilt 379 extended hood, with a 48” flat top sleeper.
For almost 40 years the roads leading in and out of Shipshewana, Indiana were traveled by some of the sharpest trucks in the country. These rigs would arrive at Double Eagle Industries and leave decked out with a whole new level of comfort and style in the form of a brand new Double Eagle sleeper. The Double Eagle sleeper was built and designed to provide the best amenity’s and comfort for the over the road trucker.
I caught the very cool A model blasting down I-95 in Virginia in the early 80’s.
Howard “Big Bear” Wambold owns this large 1995 Peterbilt 379 and 51’ Mac trailer.
Age 10 Recklly Andrus sent us this month’s Diesel Doodle.