2014 Make a Wish Convoy

2014 Make a Wish Convoy

This year’s Make a Wish Convoy was held on May 11th In Lancaster County, PA and drew over 300 trucks and many wish kids that got to ride in various truck in the convoy.

Ohio Vintage Truck Jamboree

Ohio Vintage Truck Jamboree

Current Issue Navigation<< 2014 Make a Wish ConvoySeptember 2014 Diesel Doodles >> This year marked the 3rd year that the Ohio Vintage Truck Jamboree has been held and turnout was once again strong, despite a heavy rainstorm on Friday night that left the...
September 2014 Diesel Doodles

September 2014 Diesel Doodles

Current Issue Navigation<< Ohio Vintage Truck JamboreeSeptember 2014 Tattoo >> Eleven year old Morgan Perez drew this big red Kenworth. If this truck looks familiar its because its Ron Saris’s big red Kenworth from the March 2014 issue. Great job...
September 2014 Tattoo

September 2014 Tattoo

Buster Drinkard stopped by our booth in Carlisle to say hello and show us this very cool tattoo.

October 2014 Editorial

Current Issue Navigation<< October 2014 CoverTony Adams >> Welcome to the October 2014 Issue of LargeCarMag Online! In this issue, we have a feature on Tony Adams’ old school 1971 Peterbilt little window 359, plus we have loads of show coverage! We...
Tony Adams

Tony Adams

If anyone is driving the definition of old school iron it has to be Tony Adams! Tony, of Hays Kansas, is the owner of this 1971 Peterbilt little window 359. The large little window has been a part of Tony’s life since 1998 when Tony bought and began rebuilding it to go truckin.

2014 Fergus Truck Show

2014 Fergus Truck Show

The 2014 Fergus Truck Show was held July 25-27th at the Centre Wellington Community Sportplex in Fergus Ontario Canada. Ross Burnham did this great coverage for us, as you can see some really large iron was on display.