October 2016 Editorial
Welcome to the October 2016 edition of LargeCarMag Online!
Kevin Hlavac
As regular readers of LargeCarMag know, we try to only feature working trucks. However, as we have done in the past, there are exceptions to that rule. Having a weakness for clean K100’s I made the executive decision that we HAD to feature Kevin Hlavac, of Canton Ga., super clean 1988 K100 known as “Unconventional”.
2016 Make a Wish Convoy
This year’s Make a Wish Convoy was held on May 8th In Lancaster County, PA and drew a new world record with
590 trucks!
October 2016 Days Gone By
Current Issue Navigation<< 2016 Make a Wish ConvoyOctober 2016 Reader’s Rides >> Story by Michael Hubert Photos by Neil Sherff We all have a vision of what our ultimate tractor should be. Forrest M. Ryan of Rockford, Illinois traveled to Colorado...October 2016 Reader’s Rides
Albert Guilfoil owns this 2012 Kenworth W900L.
October 2016 Diesel Doodles
Tom Ebdon, Age 7, sent us this month’s Diesel Doodle.
October 2016 Flashback
A brand new K100 E aerodyne blasts down I-95 south in Newington Va.