2018 Carlisle Truck Nationals – Steve’s Coverage
On August 3-5th one of the longest running shows in Pennsylvania was held, The Truck Nationals at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Carlisle Pennsylvania.
On August 3-5th one of the longest running shows in Pennsylvania was held, The Truck Nationals at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Carlisle Pennsylvania.
Jimmy Rosenberger of Mini Chrome Shop and I rolled into the Rantoul National Aviation Center on Thursday July 26th, knowing for the first time in all the years we have attended this great event, that we wouldn’t be seeing its founder Tom Reitz. Jimmy had talked to his wife DaVeda and learned he was in the hospital fighting complications as the result of his battle with cancer. Sadly we would never see Tom again as it was announced on Saturday morning July 28th that Tom had lost his battle. To say it was a quiet somber morning, would be an understatement.
This was my second year in a row covering The No Coast Large Car Truck Show in Britt Iowa and man oh man it just keeps getting better!
Welcome to the 39th annual Walcott Truckers Jamboree a Midwest tradition first hosted by Bill and Carolyn Moon in 1979. During the 2nd week of July hundreds of modern and antique trucks converged on the world’s largest truck stop for the July 12-14, 2018 event.
As always on the Second Saturday of September, the 2018 event fell on September 8th, the Eastern Shores LargeCars show was held once again at the Caroline County Youth 4H Park in Denton Maryland. The show featured a collaboration with the ATCA Eastern Shore Chapter to make it the best of both worlds!
July, 2019 cover.
Welcome to the July, 2019 edition of LargeCarMag Online!
Matt Strottman has put together a beautiful truck, that fits the true definition of “working class”. This 2017 Peterbilt 389 glider, was assembled by Harrison Truck Center, in Waterloo, IA.
On Thursday September 6th 2018 I set out on my annual drive to Kasson Minnesota for the 19th annual Big Iron Classic Truck Show and Pull.
On September 8th 2018 CJ Nairn once again made his way to Mt. Aetna Pennsylvania for the 5th annual Lanita Specialized Truck Show. As usual Lanita had many of their beautiful rides on display and it was great to see this show continue to grow with trucks coming from all over to be part of it!
On August 18th we made the long trek to the Buck Motorsports Park in Quarryville Pennsylvania (literally 10 minutes away) for the Truckers Day at the Buck. Although there was a very good chance of a thunderstorm trucks still packed the entire field!
The McCord family is no stranger to the pages of LargeCarMag, as both Dallas and Matt have been featured in the past. It’s time to introduce Shaun McCord, and his family. Shaun, his wife Paula, and their two sons Cash and Cale, own this beautiful cabover. Truck 290 is a 1989 International 9670 Eagle cabover, based in Tipton, IN.