Fleenor Brothers
The Fleenor Bros. name is undoubtedly no stranger to big rides, but they stepped outside the box with their new ride that you see here.
The Fleenor Bros. name is undoubtedly no stranger to big rides, but they stepped outside the box with their new ride that you see here.
This issue I decided to do a compilation of some K100’s out working.
What should we do this weekend? Let’s head over to Consolidated Peterbilt in Chicopee and check out some new trucks. Great idea! It’s hard to believe 40 years have passed since Consolidated West held its grand opening in Chicopee on February 18th and 19th 1979.
his month’s model comes to us from age 11 Logan Hayes.
September, 2019 cover.
Welcome to the September, 2019 edition of LargeCarMag Online!
Spike Fuller is the kind of do it yourself, talented truck customizer I could only dream of being. Just take a look at his WAY gorgeous 95 Pete 379.
The 2018 Convoy’s Big Rig Truck Show event was held at the Pennysaver Amphitheater in Farmingville New York. Throughout the day some very nice door prizes were given away Sons of Skynyrd, a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band, kept the crowd entertained all day. For the kids there was lots of activities plus monster truck rides. Keep an eye on our upcoming shows section for the 2019 dates.
On the weekend of September 14th-15th Kaitlynn Bewley once again made her way to Tonkawa Oklahoma for Wilkins Oklahoma Truck Supply’s annual truck show known as Busted Knuckle.
If you’re a motorhead ( if your reading this magazine odds are that you are) then the Masonic Motorama is the show for you! If it has a motor its welcome at the Masonic Motorama, everything from motorcycles to big trucks.
Bowles Farms in Clements Maryland is one of the most amazing places to visit in the fall! With their massive cornfield maze and huge pumpkin patch not to mention all the unique items to check out in their store.
Sadly the 2018 U.S Diesel Truckin Nationals held at Raceway Park in Englishtown New Jersey may have been the last one ever. With 2017 being the last year for racing at Raceway Park the 2018 event was held with no racing, just a judged and non judged show field with judging being done on the former drag strip.