June 2013 Editorial
The June 2013 online issue of LargeCarMag.com is now available.
Nathan Deacon
They say everything happens for a reason and that’s definitely the case with this feature on Nathan Deacon Trucking’s 2005 Peterbilt 379.
Riding Around June 2013
Back in May I ran into Chad Blackwell in Greencastle PA. Wound up having a nice long conversation. Most people know Chad for his 379 but I’m a little partial to this K100 he’s been truckin in lately. Good seeing you Chad!
Reader’s Rides June 2013
Ben Christen owns this very large 1998 Peterbilt 379. Ben’s 379 rides on a 305” wheelbase and is powered by a 550 Cat with an 18 speed transmission.
Model of the Month June 2013
Tim Ahlborn saw Jade’s 389 called Sublime at a truck show in St. Ignace Michigan and knew he had to build a model of it! Here is the end result, based on a 1/24th scale Italeri Peterbilt 378 reworked into a 389.
A Model Build by Barry’s Bodyshop – June 2013
These pics are of the finished roof brace in sleeper and frame is in first coat of primer.
2012 East Coast LargeCars
Current Issue Navigation<< 2012 Spencers Chrome Truck Show2012 Super Rigs >> The 4th Annual East Coast Large Cars Truck Show was held on June 30th, 2012 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, New Jersey. This event is run by Richie Acosta and his...2012 Spencers Chrome Truck Show
Spencers Chrome Parts & Service Truck Show seems to get bigger every year and 2012 was no exception! Held July 8th at their shop in Watsontown, Pennsylvania .
2012 Super Rigs
Rob Murray made the trip to the Speedco in Joplin Missouri May 17th-19th for the annual Shell SuperRigs competition.
2013 Mothers Day Make a Wish Convoy
This year’s Make a Wish Convoy was held on May 12th In Lancaster County, PA and drew
over 300 trucks and many wish kids that got to ride in various truck in the convoy.
Diesel Doodles June 2013
Ten year old Casrson Van Dyke sent us this very cool doodle.