Our aluminum polishing products for the transportation industry are far more superior to that of any other aluminum product on the market today! All of our products are BIO-DEGRADABLE & ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY!! Our TCI 503HD is an aluminum cleaner & polisher all in one easy step. It keeps all polished wheels, fuel tanks, trailers & tankers looking in show quality condition - A MIRROR SHINE!
TCI 503HD is the only aluminum polisher throughout the country that needs no dilution of product. Straight out of the barrel, it contains no hydrofluoric acid, therefore IT WILL NOT DULL or whiten any polished component (guaranteed). Our 503HD will also protect the aluminum from corroding & pitting. It's easy to apply & rinse off with a high-pressure power washer - COLD WATER ONLY!

Authorized Distributor

Port Chester, NY 10573

(914) 937-0669