


LargeCarMag is an online and print magazine that brings you coverage from as many shows as we can get to. We will bring you features on the BEST trucks in the country. We will also, from time to time, post pics from past shows. The reason we decided to start this site is first and foremost we love trucks and have for as long as we can remember. Second, is the huge lack of coverage “working” show trucks receive in printed magazines and on the web. Back in 2001, we were the originators of bringing truck show coverage to the web in an online magazine. Now we are excited to also be able to offer you our print magazine!



Our online magazine is updated monthly (twelve issues per year) and our printed magazine is mailed bi-monthly (six issues per year). Both are available now for subscriptions.

2012 - 2021 Legacy Online LCM ISSUES

2002 – 2011 Legacy Online LCM Issues

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The LCM patriotic pillow is approximately 16 in x 16 in. Price is $47 and includes shipping (domestic orders only please).

Subscribe to LCM in PRINT

Subscribe to LCM ONLINE

Pittsburgh Power
Lincoln Chrome